ERR OR MAN: a music deck, 20 pieces
20 pieces
- On now ~ play
- Invisible boy ~ play
- Break in the jam ~ play
- Pain refrain ~ play
- I've killed a million ~ play
- Lord of beginnings ~ play
- Entaruption ~ play
- Like a volcano pointing down ~ play
- Rock stars ~ play
- In my head ~ play
- Boy with a blog ~ play
- Waiting for the octopus ~ play
- I'm selling my mind ~ play
- They are the same ~ play
- Death is provided ~ play
- Made from the sea ~ play
- I am a mirror ~ play
- Err or man ~ play
- Yes yes song ~ play
- So sung ~ play
A Causal Genealogy of Err or Man
- 1. On now
- 20. So sung
- 2. Invisible boy
- 3. Break in the jam
- 9. Rock stars
- 5. I've killed a million
- 10. In my head
- 5. I've killed a million
- 6. Lord of beginnings
- 8. Like a volcano pointing down
- 7. Entaruption
- 14. They are the same
- 11. Boy with a blog
- 15. Death is provided
- 18. Err or man
- 16. Made from the sea
- 17. I am a mirror
- 16. Made from the sea
- 19. Yes yes song
More Err or Man music, images and info coming soon . . .
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Err or Man
A Music Deck
20 Pieces
On now
Invisible boy
Break in the jam
Pain refrain
I've killed a million
Lord of beginnings
Like a volcano pointing down
Rock stars
In my head
Boy with a blog
Waiting for the octopus
I'm selling my mind
They are the same
Death is provided
Made from the sea
I am a mirror
Err or man
Yes yes song
So sung

I've killed a million

Rock stars

I'm selling my mind

I am a mirror