masthead image

ETC: more music by the Ear Reverends

More Ear Reverends music, other Ear Reverends music, older Ear Reverends music, and miscellaneous audio—find it here.

The Ear Reverends have produced a number of albums / shows / collections. These include Blood Drive, Practices 2003–2004, Wrong Notes Music 2004–2007, Wrong Notes Podcast 2006–2007, Spring Sprouts, and Portastudio Master. There's also some music created as Theme Music for others. Play / download tracks below.

Blood Drive

Blood Drive by the Ear Reverends Blood Drive is a work-in-progress album, and has more info and sample tracks on it's own Blood Drive page.

Practices 2003–2004

Practices came out of a basic intent to create and release works online, but resulted in an exploration of the non-definitive aspects of musical pieces produced for online formats. These Practices are longer, "real," experimental songs that each has been released on its own, on this website. These songs were created and released without the context of a commercial musical genre, a musical school, a place, an event, a channel, an album collection or a release on a physical medium. And, so, while these pieces inherit a little context by being here under the Practices heading, they're practically more like musical orphans waiting to be adopted by new and other contexts that are to be created (by you?).

Deluxe Memory Man (7/2004) download
Plastic Toys (4/2004) download
Joi vs The Burtonator (11/2003) download

Wrong Notes Music 2004–2007

Wrong Notes are short pieces created for the original Wrong Notes blog. From 2004–2007, Wrong Notes was setup to be "the music blog of the Ear Reverends," with the original intent being to release short and fragmentary musical pieces as blog posts. The blog format, as a sequence of impulsive posts, could have framed these pieces / songs as works in progress and/or arcs of musical progress, in general. But, Wrong Notes Music didn't / doesn't really fit with this strict idea of "blog time." Still, for now at least, it makes some sense to list these songs in blog-like, reverse chronological order (by release date), after the "masthead."

Wrong Notes masthead download
Spy? Music download
Nostalogia download
Other Ducks download
Oh Snap download
New Bageon download
The 33 1/3 Commandment (for Anastasia) download
Cheese Generator download
Dormir download
Forty-six today, quarter? download
Hack download
Matter Day download
Sat tea download
Technology download
Toe A Wave download
umbtrack download
Wrong Past download

Wrong Notes Podcast 2006–2007

The Wrong Notes Podcast initiated a small change-up on the blog in 2006 and 2007, where posts included audio with both "music and talking." The talking and blog posts explain more about what was up with the music in each.

Wrong Notes Podcast #01

Podcast, conversation with Bre Pettis (Make Blog) (full blog post), and audio:

  1. Talking: Introduction [0:55]
  2. Music: Oh Snap (new, for Wrong Notes) [0:58]
  3. Talking: Conversation with Bre Pettis, part 1 [2:35]
  4. Music: I Make Things (Ring) [0:48]
  5. Music: MAKE Podcast Theme, first sketch [0:11]
  6. Talking: Conversation with Bre Pettis, part 2 [1:02]
  7. Music: MAKE Podcast Theme, second sketch [0:11]
  8. Talking: Conversation with Bre Pettis, part 3 [0:54]
  9. Music: MAKE Podcast Theme, final version [0:14]
  10. Talking: Conversation with Bre Pettis, part 4, and Closing [1:49]
  11. Music: Other Ducks (new, for Wrong Notes) [4:27]
  12. Talking: Colophon [0:18]
  13. Talking: Bre on what he's up to next and robots [3:10]

Wrong Notes Podcast #02

Podcast, The Worst Song Ever (full blog post), and audio:

  1. Talking: Introduction [1:16]
  2. Music: Spy? Music (new, for Wrong Notes) [1:45]
  3. Talking: A Little History [0:46]
  4. Music: New Dawn Coming, by The Light [3:32]
  5. Talking: Segue into Dark Is The Night [0:48]
  6. Music: Dark Is The Night, by The Light (The Worst Song Ever) [7:38]
  7. Talking: Conversation with Dean Fienberg [7:42]
  8. Music: Nostalogia (new, for Wrong Notes) [1:38]
  9. Talking: Colophon [0:24]

Spring Sprouts

Spring Sprouts is the second half of the two series of music the Ear Reverends recorded direct to analog cassette in Santa Cruz in 1987 and 1988 (Winter Sleepers and Spring Sprouts). The "Trescony Toy" is a good emblem of these works:

Trescony Toy #1 download
Trescony Toy #2 download
Trescony Toy #3 download
Trescony Toy #4 download
Trescony Toy #5 download
Trescony Toy #6 download

Portastudio Master

The first Ear Reverends multitrack experiments were captured on Portastudio Master in 1982. Invention One is basically the first recording of the Ear Reverends.

Invention One download

Theme Music

These pieces were originally written as "theme music" for another website, video or book.




. . . the new music player is very coming soon and such . . .