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WRONG NOTES: a blog of ear reverence

Wrong Notes collects posts on music, art, culture and fun stuff. Also included: news about the Ear Reverends.

Welcome, these are Wrong Notes, music blog music

With these Wrong Notes, I hope to experiment with the blog concept / structure itself as a concept / structure for music. Small "microcontent" musical fragments will be presented on their own (as part of each blog post) as well as collected together by virtue of appearing on the main blog page at the same time, and in other time-based collections (e.g., a month archive).

The Wrong Notes will be accessible here in several forms. Each fragment will be directly accessible as a link on this page (also available in RSS2 enclosures), and also in playlist collections (aka music "feeds") in m3u, SMIL, and other formats.

With the formats like SMIL that support mixed media, I may feature additional visual content that may not otherwise appear in the textual portion of the blog. Similarly, all the collection playlists may feature additional musical pieces than what is referenced in the posts.

Besides any novelty of using the blog as a music format, I am interested in creating a blog filled with original music fragments primarily for two reasons: 1) to use the blog as a catalog of my musical ideas / sketches in significantly early and rough form, and 2) to explore alternative, Internet compatible, collection formats / structures for music listening (i.e., neither the album nor the mixtape / playlist formats).

I am making Wrong Notes public and releasing all of the Wrong Notes music under Creative Commons (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike) license out of enthusiasm for the power of the Internet and of freely sharing creative ideas, but with no idea how such unfinished and fragmentary music might be related to by others. My hope is that you will find some interest in it and tell me so I can learn from it!

I have an interest in the idea of music that one enjoys hearing a couple times, but not necessarily a lot. Traditionally, recorded music, because of its cost, is often designed with the idea that people should like it so much that they will listen to it over and over.

But, I also enjoy hearing a lot of musical fragments everyday—whether from musicians playing on the street, or from recorded music overheard in passing, or from other sounds. So, I imagine these Wrong Notes perhaps being enjoyable in passing—which I think some people may find appropriate in the listening context of their ever-changing playlists.

Besides Wrong Notes, I also will be releasing music from my Practices, which is more elaborate but still rough. And, I also plan to release full length, finished, albums designed to be listened to in track sequence and, I hope to some, enjoyable being played over and over.

Oh, and the text of this blog will be my thoughts about making music. Times as they are, this will include some posts about copyrights, Internet music distribution, and the music business. And, I'll certainly point out and link to other music I enjoy, as there is so much and always more coming out that I love and want to tell everyone about!


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. . . the new music player is very coming soon and such . . .