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WRONG NOTES: a blog of ear reverence

Wrong Notes collects posts on music, art, culture and fun stuff. Also included: news about the Ear Reverends.

Err or Man CD / Book now available at CD Baby

The Err or Man CD / Book can now be purchased online via CD Baby.

The CD Baby page for Err or Man just went live this evening. Although there is a lot more of Err or Man still to come on this website, I think it's safe to say that Err or Man is now available—anyone who is interested can hear it and see it.

Just to be clear, you can now buy a copy of Err or Man, the new CD by the Ear Reverends. Yes, really!


Congratulations! I hope lots of people find and get to enjoy your music.

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. . . the new music player is very coming soon and such . . .