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WRONG NOTES: a blog of ear reverence

Wrong Notes collects posts on music, art, culture and fun stuff. Also included: news about the Ear Reverends.

People miss the future

A grueling work-week, from which I am apparently emerging.

I'll explain more about the work thing in an upcoming post—it's music and arts related. But, for now, just a couple brief things of interest:

In The Future Is So Yesterday, Danny Hillis of The Long Now Foundation talks about Disney's Tomorrowland and how little a connection we feel to the future. A good quote:

. . . [W]e are nostalgic for a time when we believed in the future. People miss the future. There's a yearning for it. Disney does know what people want. People want to feel some connectedness to the future. The way Disney delivers that is to reach back in time a little bit to the past when they did feel connected.

It's a bit of a cop-out. . .

Also, on the Long Now site, an interesting blog post about photographer Edward Burtynsky's proposal to print photographs that will last 10,000 years (to go with The 10,000 Year Clock—the one with chimes composed by Brian Eno). Burtynsky has been researching a method called "carbon transfer print" that uses inks made of ground stone.

. . . Burtynsky showed a large carbon transfer print of one of his ultra-high resolution photographs. The color and detail were perfect. Accelerated studies show that the print could hang in someone’s living room for 500 years and show no loss of quality. Kept in the Clock’s mountain in archival conditions it would remain unchanged for 10,000 years.

Thinking forward to 10,000 years really is pretty mind-blowing. . .


Via Ear Reverends pal, Gawain Weaver, Photograph Conservator, here’s info on the carbon printer / carbon print gallery in Seattle: Art & Soul - Color Carbon Printing.

I was disappointed that this video from BoingBoing TV didn’t provide any of the 10,000 year clock chimes demo audio, but it’s still a good video intro to The Long Now and the 10,000 year clock.

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. . . the new music player is very coming soon and such . . .