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WRONG NOTES: a blog of ear reverence

Wrong Notes collects posts on music, art, culture and fun stuff. Also included: news about the Ear Reverends.

Wild and nature sounds

For the first part of this week, I spent each night sleeping next to a pond on the big island of Hawaii. And, each morning at 5am, thousands of birds started off their day with a fantastically simultaneous and cacophonous conversation about the rising sun and whatever else birds go on about each morning.

Half-asleep, I tried to make some recordings of what I was hearing. If any of the recordings turn out, I'll post some sounds here. But, one thing I was wondering about while recording was how much of the low humming sound of the electric generator motors was going get picked up by the microphone.

Being able to hear this hum reminded me of a good article I read recently by my favorite writer in Wired, Clive Thompson, on how man-made noise may be altering earth's ecology.

The article features info about bio-acoustician Bernie Krause, who makes field recordings of natural places unpolluted by the sounds of humans. Krause has a pretty great website, Wild Sanctuary, that features his field recordings and also his music.

Wild Sanctuary also offers what it calls a Sound Map, as an add-on for Google Earth, that lets you click on locations around the world and hear their sounds—I'll have to check that out!


that was a good layer! Comforting sounds…

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. . . the new music player is very coming soon and such . . .