WRONG NOTES: a blog of ear reverence
Wrong Notes collects posts on music, art, culture and fun stuff. Also included: news about the Ear Reverends.
New Bageon is music, new
I've released a new, short, Wrong Note piece, called "New Bageon". It accompanies this post. Listen to it loud.
For the first time, I've released a high fidelity copy online as well. If you know about the awesome FLAC file format, and enjoy hi-fi (as I do), please feel free to download a FLAC copy of "New Bageon".
Listen to it even louder! It's also released under the attribution, non-commercial, share alike Creative Commons license, so I hope you'll find some creative, loud, ways to share it.
Also, btw, fyi, if you use iTunes, you can now subscribe to Wrong Notes music via iTunes too!
Speaking of copyright, check-out this story about Fox Lawyers C&D Buffy Fandom Musical (C&D = cease and desist = lawyer speak). Talk about vampires...
The Buffy story also references two excellent posts by danah boyd:
when media becomes culture: rethinking copyright issues
remix is active consumption not production (when media becomes culture, part 2).
Coincidentally, danah's is one of the voices played in Joi vs the Burtonator, which title is itself a kind-of play on the connections between lawyer speak and (1960s Japanese) monster movie themes (and, there: we're back to copyright and monsters and slayers...).
As if podcasting
Back before it was called "podcasting", this blog was set-up for wrong-note-casting Ear Reverends' music. But, this has exceeded the more limited design of podcasting.
So, I'm starting to update various technology things on this site to make it compatible with other podcast sites. With this post, I hope Wrong Notes will start to appear on sites like Odeo, iTunes, Yahoo! Podcasts and others.
Here's My Odeo Channel (odeo/b61433ddad1d1b84). (I had to stick that link and number in here to get Odeo to give me a channel!)
More updates soon.
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