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WRONG NOTES: a blog of ear reverence

Wrong Notes collects posts on music, art, culture and fun stuff. Also included: news about the Ear Reverends.

Another thing about free culture

It's sad how desperate and cynical we become when all have in the world is business and so-called "business culture". Business can be fine and we need a way to do commerce, make change, etc. But, culture is the context of business, and not the other way around.

I very strongly support Lawrence Lessig's work to address (from the perspective of a lawyer and legal scholar) the need to preserve and support the cultural context for creative works. It's sad to see his work being subjected to desperate and cynical attacks, though, fortunately, there are also good people open to intelligently discussing and debating the issues Lessig addresses.


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. . . the new music player is very coming soon and such . . .